terminology What does “ad hoc” mean in programming?

The term ad hoc networking typically refers to a system of network elements that combine to form a network requiring little or no planning. In SQL, an ad hoc query is a loosely typed command/query whose value depends upon some variable. Each time the command is executed, the result is different, depending on the value of the variable. It cannot be predetermined and usually comes under dynamic programming SQL query. It is created in order to get information when need arises and it consists of dynamically constructed SQL which is usually constructed by desktop-resident query tools.

What does “ad hoc” mean in programming?

In the military, ad hoc units are created during unpredictable situations, when the cooperation between different units is suddenly needed for fast action, or from remnants of previous units which have been overrun or otherwise whittled down. English borrowed the Latin phrase ad hoc in the mid 1500s, when the expression was quickly being adopted into legal and judicial writings. These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘ad hoc.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. In programming, it is basically that the developer is not working according to the plan but he is working bits and pieces from the whole code. They have to complete 3 module say A, B, C. If there is a plan then they can decide on which module they are going to work on it. But in ad hoc they can approach any of the modules in an unplanned manner.

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They needed to focus on the present purposes of the issue with no apparent forethought, and everyone shared their unplanned remarks to find makeshift solutions. Programming for a specific purpose, usually without any planning. An example would be a macro or something which is designed to do a single task and nothing else. It basically means writing some quick and dirty code without the intention of reuse. Another common occurrence is a utility to convert data sets from 1 form to another, which will have no use when the conversion is done.

This list of translations for the word ad hoc is provided by Word Sense, but you could also find them in a Spanish dictionary, German dictionary, or French electronic resource. According to Lexico, the term ad hoc can also be used to refer to a wireless ad hoc network. These types of networks have a system of elements that combine to form a network that does not require much planning, or requires little planning. This network of computers is formed via a set of hosts that communicate over a wireless channel. It utilizes handcrafted network protocol to tailor the system of network elements to a specific task or purpose-specific equation.

Riffing on political terms like democracy, Toffler popularized the word adhocracy (from a slightly earlier coinage in 1966) to describe a kind of flexible organizational structure that could replace bureaucracy. No elaboration of how to sell helium tokens statute law can forestall variant cases and the need of interpretation ad hoc. An ad hoc bipartisan conference called a session of the Senate and the Senate elected a new president.

  1. It basically means writing some quick and dirty code without the intention of reuse.
  2. The antithesis of “ad hoc” (which means, “specifically for this”) might be “commercial off-the-shelf” (COTS) software, which is written to solve a general category of problem (e.g. word-processing or book-keeping) for several possible customers.
  3. Each time the command is executed, the result is different, depending on the value of the variable.
  4. One famous example is from a Louisiana Code of Practice for civil law.

Ad hoc means for one specific cause or approaching a solution in an unplanned way. In ad hoc we don’t have any plan but have the deadline to finish the work. Ad hoc exists in different areas like programming, testing etc. In testing if perform ad hoc if the time assigned is very less and have to deliver the kit within that min amount of time then we will go for ad hoc. The ad hoc committee meeting came to order with arbitrariness and an unplanned order.

An Ad-hoc query is one created to provide a specific recordset from any or multiple merged tables available on the DB server. These queries usually serve a single-use purpose, and may not be necessary to incorporate into any stored procedure to run again in the future. According to Collins English Dictionary and the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, the term ad hoc can be used as an adjective or adverb. This is a Latin phrase meaning a coordinated policy or organization that was not planned in advance, but done or formed because a situation has made it necessary. In short, this term means for a special case, or without general application.

In the military

ExamplesOne may run some ad-hoc queries in SQL to familarize oneself with the the database content. (Equvalent expression would be “writing queries on the fly”). This differs from one’s writing queries in the context of a program whereby the list of columns to get, the filters to apply etc. are driven by the application’s specifications.

Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Rather than pre-defined and encaspsulated in the application. Regarding programming specifically, it’s probably similar to what Joel Spolsky recently called duct tape programming. “Ad hoc” is a Latin phrase that can apply to anything, not just programming specifically.

Ad hoc units are anomalies formed when the military is suddenly needed for fast action or other such contexts. This term is frequently used in civil law, in judicial writings or a judicial report, and more. Beyond a single use Ad-hoc query are stored procedures; i.e. queries which are stored within the DB interface tool. These stored procedures can then be executed in sequence within a module or macro to accomplish a predefined task either on demand, on a schedule, or triggered by another event.

It’s when someone makes up a new complication to brush off evidence against their claim—like if you said there’s a little green alien following you around, and when everyone asked where it was, ethereum wakes up as chinese institution hops on the crypto you said that only you could see it. Ad hoc can also be used as an adverb meaning “for the particular end or case at hand without consideration of wider application,” as in “decisions were made ad hoc.” In national and sub-national governance, ad hoc bodies may be established to deal with specific problems not easily accommodated by the current structure of governance or to address multi-faceted issues spanning several areas of governance. In the UK and other commonwealth countries, ad hoc Royal Commissions [6] may be set up to address specific questions as directed by parliament.

You may notice that some of these translations of ad hoc look and sound similar to one another. These are called cognates, which are when two words that have the same meaning across languages also look and sound similar or the same. Cognates are often formed when two words have the same root or language of origin.

These are ad hoc queries on an other server via OpenRowset or OpenDatasource. Ad Hoc Distributed Queries are only allowed after configuring so. Ad hoc items have the characteristic of being done to serve a particular using algorithms to trade in crypto currencies purpose rather than a generic or pre-defined one. The antithesis of “ad hoc” (which means, “specifically for this”) might be “commercial off-the-shelf” (COTS) software, which is written to solve a general category of problem (e.g. word-processing or book-keeping) for several possible customers.


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